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Google CEO Larry Page: Google played only a 1% potential

2011-08-30 21:42:24 Views: 53

Page also heard criticism. For people on the growth rate of Google queries, Wall Street analysts have complained that in April, Paige in the first earnings call was that too little. At that meeting, Page said the company's performance and prospects so that he was very excited, but did not talk about their strategy, not left to answer analysts' questions.

However, to achieve more in July after strong results on the quarterly conference call, the new CEO a comprehensive exposition of his strategy. Among them, he said, Google will easily find its Chrome browser, YouTube video site and Andrews (Android) the growth of mobile operating systems to make money way. Currently more than 135 million devices worldwide are equipped with Andrew system.

At that meeting, Page said Google only 1% of the potential to play, and as such, I was leading the company to scale new heights.

Investment bank Stifel, Nicolaus & Co. Analyst Lohan (Jordan Rohan), said Paige communication with investors on how to learn quite fast. He also said, obviously not satisfied with Google Page in the leading position in Internet search, Google intends to occupy the leading position in more areas, even though doing so caused more stringent government oversight, and it's more bumpy road ahead .

Google employees, said Page in the company has a wide range of supporters. In the past few months, he promised to reform their own company, through a comprehensive restructuring to clarify the responsibilities and priorities. In addition, he paid off some of these priorities, except useless items.

Page also local business advertising such as Google + update operations and became interested in the products. Google + is the social network Facebook Inc.'s Competitors, Paige has this year the number of employees with bonuses linked to performance of this product.

In front of his employees, within the Page to get rid of their image. Informed sources said, Google + launched a few weeks later, he was in California in July, Google headquarters in Mountain View, organized a "beach party", and even get a high-tech made a wave machine.

Colleagues said, Page is very good at communicating with employees, including product-related meetings, every Friday afternoon, "Thank God, finally to Friday the" the full meeting, and through his house Google + accounts published minutes of video clips.
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